plan de estudio de psicología

In the above constructions, several important points are surfaced in relation to insecurity and violence: first, that gendered violence affects not only women, but people from a wide range of different gendered and sexual identities, which platforms the rights of queer actors to speak within the discourse. Buscá las academias que sean de tu agrado en el directorio a continuación y cotejá los planes, las asignaturas y la cursada. De esta manera se pueden conformar las metodologías más adecuadas para resolver las diferentes investigaciones psicológicas. Al momento de elegir una carrera es recomendable tener en cuenta los tiempos de desplazamiento y la carga horaria de las materias. Expanding on these important points, Simic (2014 as cited in Otto 2020) observes that for LGBTQIA+ people, peace too must often be survived because structural and overt violence collude in unique ways to delegitimise and silence queer identities. • Iniciativa y creatividad. This extensive body of work is moulded strongly by feminist post-structural methodologies, which offer the tools to analyse the discourses and possible counter-discourses of gender within policy documents (see, e.g., Björkdahl and Mannergren Selimovic 2021). The discourses exposed in the analysis are presented in two main clusters: discourses of gender and discourses of peace and (in)security. It may be argued that the NAP discursively articulates part of this vision through the ways in which it constructs its approach to peacebuilding. Of course, these discursive dissonances should be attributed partially to the fact that different countries have necessarily taken quite varied approaches to NAP-making. ¿Quieres vivir una experiencia académica en el extranjero? Además podrás saber cuál es el título de egresado, cuánto tiempo se . Possible opportunities for the NAP to engage these ideas even further might be to include some commentary as to 1) the possible differences and/or intersections between “gender” and “sexualities” and 2) the multiple ways in which gendered and sexual identities may be embodied and expressed by people (perhaps explaining some key concepts like “passing”, “cis”, “trans”, etcetera). Crear nota. Si bien ya existe una base de conocimiento considerable que explora los discursos de género de los PNA sobre MPS, una brecha importante en la literatura —que solo se ha empezado a explorar con mayor rigor recientemente— es el de la unión de las teorías queer y feministas para ampliar todavía más el alcance del análisis discursivo de políticas. Two examples are worth mentioning here: first, the prevention pillar’s outcome: “communities that are more tolerant of sexual difference and the protection of the LGBTIQA community” and its associated indicator: “decrease in the number of attacks on LGBTIQA communities” (Burger 2020, 73) and second, the protection pillar’s activities: “protect the LGBTIQA communities by providing awareness and psychosocial programmes and dedicated social services; employ protective measures generated by innovative technology and transitional safe houses, etc.” and their associated indicator: “number and quality of awareness programmes and services in place” (Burger 2020, 77). NAPs on WPS provide a key mechanism through which to domesticate global United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 instruments such as the WPS agenda. The sole focus on women, she argues, operates under the assumption that every person experiencing violence and/or conflict is cisheteronormative4 in their identification with and performance of their gendered identity. 1 Refer to Pinheiro and Kiguwa (2021) for more details on my work in this area. Second, the explicit reference to (and ultimate rejection of) a heteronormative gender binary makes it forcefully clear that gender is more than an essential identity marker. PS 1300 Psicología de la Personalidad. Realizarás networking y adquirirás las competencias imprescindibles para tu futuro profesional. Están los profesorados que están orientado a aquellos que se quieren formar en la docencia. Licenciatura. These discourses are interwoven within and between the discourses of gender, speaking more specifically to the rights and positions of different gendered actors to speak within broader discussions around peace and violence. A continuación encontrarás el Plan de Estudios para ordenar el recorrido de tu profesión. Particularly in the context of SA’s complex socio-political history, the potential power of these discourses to challenge the status quo cannot be understated. Al ingresar es necesario demostrar estos estudios con un analítico, es decir, una certificación oficial reconocidas por el poder ejecutivo del lugar. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, Enter your email address below and we will send you the reset instructions. Some NAPs (examples of which are discussed below) have taken on more explicit queering discourses in their constructions of gender, peace, and security, whilst others have tended to conform to more mainstream peacebuilding rhetoric on gender (Hudson 2017). Psicología: PRIMER SEMESTRE: Código: Materia: Créditos: Horas: EG1005: Administración De Empresas I: 3: 64: EG1007: Contabilidad Básica: 4: 85: EG1013 . Situated in a reading of SA’s history that takes into account the ways in which women —and black women, in particular— have struggled under and resisted against racialised heteropatriarchal regimes, the focus on their agency and power may be read as an essential one. en sí mismo, en su futuro y en experiencias futuras. These policy practices, however, often treat women’s participation as synonymous with a “gender perspective”, meaning that a sex-based head-count is still regularly accepted as a sufficient condition for inclusive and gender-sensitive peacebuilding (Cóbar, Bjertén-Günther and Jung 2018). Si continúas usando este sitio, asumiremos que estás de acuerdo con ello. Policy as Discourse: What Does it Mean? Acción Comunitaria, Ambiente, Sexualidad y Género. Much feminist scholarship (e.g., Cockburn 2004; Enloe 1993; Hassim 2014) has pointed to the masculinisation of statecraft, citizenship and nationalism. Several of the NAP’s indicators across its four pillars, for example, advocate explicitly for community-centric approaches to developing peacebuilding capacity in the country. Against this backdrop, a second key point is that a more intentional bridging together of feminist and queer theories is well-positioned to articulate more nuanced and wholesome gendered perspectives of peacebuilding (Edenborg 2021). Fecha de publicación. Créditos por semestre: Mínimo 6 - Máximo 42. Where Does it Get Us? This discursive framing invisibilises the multiple ways in which men themselves are impacted by violence and conflict within the broader project of militarism (Enloe 1993). Contribuir al bienestar tanto de las personas concretas, grupos, instituciones y la misma sociedad hondureña. Thereafter, I present the discourse analysis, a summative discussion of the key findings and, finally, key recommendations for future work. Whilst they are not ends in and of themselves, NAPs may therefore serve the important functions of 1) signalling national policy commitments to gender-sensitive peacebuilding; and 2) providing accountability measures for civil society, state, and other WPS stakeholders at a more granular level (Hudson 2017; True 2016). Prácticas. Key findings centre the potential value of policy discourses which, in their fragmentation, ruptures, continuities and ambivalences, can facilitate opportunities for queer peace at the instrumental level and beyond. Suponen un total de 6 ECTS (150 horas) y deberás realizarlas en el cuarto año. Se estima que cada vez más carreras se actualicen a la modalidad virtual en los próximos años. Consultas frecuentes (FAQ) Para inscribirse en una carrera universitaria es obligatorio presentar el título secundario completo. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, UAEM. In this definition, the explicit reference to gender non-conforming identities illustrates a conceptualisation of rights and resources as belonging not only to people whose identities fit within heteronormative gender binaries, but also to those citizens whose identities challenge them, specifically, those that are “gender non-conforming”. Ultimately, then, the WPS field calls for further queering in order to generate more sophisticated gendered perspectives of peacebuilding (Cóbar, Bjertén-Günther and Jung 2018; Hagen 2017). : (011) 4931-6900 Página web: Correo electrónico: Drawing from queer feminist theories on gender and sexualities, I explore central debates around the language of gender and representation in these fields and show how queer peacebuilding is poised to enhance policy analysis. Finally, the construction of violence and discrimination against queer people articulates it as falling within the wider frame of GBV in SA because it happens on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Curso Electivo General LPSC. A more critical and expansive view of gender reveals that masculine identities are expressed in plural and fluid ways; that dominant and stereotypical performances of masculinity not only cause problems for women and girls, but also undermine the well-being and safety of men and boys who express and live their identities in myriad ways (see, e.g., Boonzaier and van Niekerk 2019 as cited in Hearn et al. Perhaps the most significant contribution of these scholarly developments is an explicit recognition and theorisation of how women’s gendered experiences and identities matter to peace and security (Björkdahl, Hall and Svensson 2019; Pratt and Richter-Devroe 2011). Es la única formación de toda la carrera que no se imparte en formato online. While a considerable knowledge base that explores the gendered discourses of NAPs on WPS already exists, a key gap in the literature —that has only more recently begun to be explored with greater rigor— is the bridging of queer and feminist theories to further push the boundaries of discursive policy analysis. 72810. Al concluir con todas las unidades del programa educativo, obtendrás tu Título y Cédula Profesional de Licenciatura, así como diploma de Bachelor avalado por SACSCOC y con reconocimiento en todo el mundo. Título. El plan de estudios de la carrera de Psicología está diseñado considerando los ejes de formación . These unique and intersectional vulnerabilities are not fully articulated within the “gender equals woman” discourse, and they are carried through into subsequent sections of the NAP. Against this backdrop, the NAP engages with these tensions in ways that can be read as reflexive and open, where the discourses of peace and (in)security turn in on themselves and comment on the status quo as follows: SA is often portrayed as a leading example of gender mainstreaming in the security sector. The analysis below presents a fragmented and slippery discursive matrix that is, in many ways, consistent with previous discourse analyses of NAPs on WPS (refer to Drummond and Rebelo 2020; Fritz, Doering and Gumru 2011; Hudson 2017; Madsen and Hudson 2020). Centros de atención virtuales, Central: +506 2206-8600 Translating UNSCR 1325 From the Global to the National: Protection, Representation and Participation in National Action Plans of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Rwanda, Methodologies for Feminist Peace Research, Everyday International Relations: Editors’ Introduction, National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2020-2025, Department of International Relations and Cooperation Office/ Government of South Africa, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, Assessing Gender Perspectives in Peace Processes with Application to the Cases of Colombia and Mindanao, The Continuum of Violence: A Gender Perspective on War and Peace, Global Pathways or Local Spins? El modelo cognitivo propone tres conceptos específicos para explicar la base psicológica de, la depresión: (1) tríadas cognitivas, (2) esquemas y (3), Errores cognitivos (errores de procesamiento de información), La tríada cognitiva consta de tres estados cognitivos principales que hacen que el paciente piense. Selecciona uno de los siguientes cursos y agrégalo a tu plan de estudios: © Plan de Estudios de la Licenciatura en Psicología. ¿Qué título otorga la carrera de Psicología en Universidad Católica de Córdoba? Plan de estudios: 000012 31002 - PSIC Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo Facultad de Humanidades Escuela de Psicología Licenciatura en Psicología Mención Psicología Clínica Esta página puede ser reproducida con fines no lucrativos, siempre y cuando no se mutile, se cite la fuente completa y su dirección electrónica. Las personas graduadas en Psicología, con independencia de las asignaturas optativas que cursen, obtendrán la Mención en "Psicología de la Salud" de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en la letra b), apartado tercero, de la Disposición Adicional Séptima de la Ley 33/2011, de 4 de octubre, General de Salud . The Centre for Human Rights (based at the University of Pretoria) has also developed the “Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC)” unit, which works progressively towards the realisation of the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons in Africa through advocacy, training, policy development, and social action (refer to, which would be well-placed to contribute to future policy work in the field. A simultaneous consequence of the “gender equals women” discourse prevailing in WPS policies is a relative silence on issues relating to men and masculinities in peacebuilding efforts (see, e.g., Hearn et al. In order for the resulting findings and recommendations to be fed back into future peacebuilding policy, it would be ideal if the coalitions arising out of the NAP could invite stakeholders working on this research to collaborate with them on the caucuses that they intend to host throughout the period during which the policy is implemented. 2021). 4 ‘Cisheteronormative’ refers to the assumption that heterosexuality and being cisgender are the norm, which plays out in interpersonal interactions and society. EFE. PS 1008 Psicología de la Motivación y Emoción. Si aún no elegiste, en este espacio te explicamos por qué conviene estudiar Psicología y por qué elegir la Universidad Católica de Córdoba para cursar esta formación. El plan de estudio de psicología UN de esta especialidad se encarga de estudiar los procesos psicológicos en el individuo o los animales, por medio de la experimentación. Intersectional discourses are further reflected in the tagline of the NAP, which reads: “peace and security for women in all their diversity” (the word “diversity” can be read as signalling the heterogeneity and fluidity of women’s identities, which creates space for women of different gendered and sexual identities to be part of the peacebuilding process). Estudiando esta carrera se abre un amplio campo de oportunidades en las que cada egresados puede buscar su propio camino profesional. Queer and critical feminist theories take the post-structuralist view of gender as constituted within and through language and thusly as a psycho-social and discursive constellation of ideas and practices that organise societies along identity-based fault lines (Ahmed 2014; Butler 1988; Hollway 2004). [email protected] El modelo cognitivo propone tres conceptos específicos . En el Grado en Psicología desarrollarás tu Trabajo Fin de Grado en el 4.º curso. For one, I write as a critical social and psychological researcher with a vested interest in the military-gender nexus and its particularities in the South African context1. Vice-presidency of Research and Doctorates,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, La definición del concepto de percepción en psicología con base en la teoría Gestalt, Navegando en aguas abiertas: tensiones y agentes en la conservación marina en la Patagonia chilena, El impacto de la actividad física y el deporte sobre la salud, la cognición, la socialización y el rendimiento académico: una revisión teórica, Pedagogías textiles sobre el conflicto armado en Colombia: activismos, trayectorias y transmisión de saberes desde la experiencia de cuatro colectivos de mujeres en Quibdó, Bojayá, Sonsón y María La Baja, Ortega sobre el amor. Este artigo de pesquisa apresenta uma análise feminista queer dos discursos de gênero do Plano Nacional de Ação (PNA) sobre Mulheres, Paz e Segurança (MPS) da África do Sul (2020-2025). Alongside this discourse, however, are ruptures in the NAP that work to challenge dominant ideas about which subjects have the rights to speak within a discourse of gendered violence. 2003. EscolarDIPES: RVOE: 20111093; Actualizado: DGAIR/DIPES/SR/04237/17, Derechos Reservados © 2023. At the time of writing, the policy context characterising SA’s national frameworks for gender equality, in particular, creates enabling opportunities for challenging historic continuities with respect to socio-political inequalities and for imagining peacebuilding in more gender-transformative terms. ID 1500 Escritos Académicos. Usamos cookies para asegurarnos de brindarle la mejor experiencia. While the creation of a NAP tends to involve input from civil society actors, it should also be noted that civil society organisations are themselves heterogenous (Hudson 2017). SEGUNDO. To this end, Butler’s (2020, 40 as cited in Otto 2020) description of peace as an “aggressive form of non-violence” for queer people aptly captures the urgent need to queer WPS fields and (re)imagine peace and equality in more radical terms. psicología oscura: domine las técnicas secretas de la manipulación emocional encubierta, de la persuasión disimulada del control mental por moore la Si lo desea puede consultar información adicional y detallada sobre protección de datos en el siguiente enlace: La biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla tiene el propósito de dotar a sus usuarios de toda la documentación posible y así facilitar lo máximo posible su labor universitaria. However, taking into account the full definition of gender offered on the previous page, we might assume that this speaks to a wider range of queer identities, too. Oferta de Posgrado: másteres oficiales. These discourses are evident particularly through the repeated use of the identity marker “women” in the text. Plan de Estudios de la Licenciatura en Psicologa Educativa, Plan 2009. Plan de estudios: Licenciado en Psicología PRIMER SEMESTRE C SEXTO SEMESTRE C Competencia comunicativa 2 Tópicos selectos de lenguas y culturas extranjeras 2 Among women, lesbian and trans individuals, for example, tend to be at greater risk of experiencing sexual violence during wartime and beyond because of the broader structural inequalities and differential power dynamics within their communities, families and societies at large (Human Rights Council 2011 as cited in Jayakumar 2022). Several critical takeaways emerge from the above discussion on discourses in NAPs on WPS. En ellos se revisan las asignaturas que tienen como objeto principal la formación académica y la profesional del Psicólogo, de las cuales, podemos . (Burger 2020, 20). From its outset, the NAP engages with discourses of gender that are explicitly queer: The roles, responsibilities, attributes and opportunities that are socio-culturally ascribed to men, women, boys and girls in a given society. DERECHOS RESERVADOS UNIVERSIDAD DE MONTERREY, PS 1100 Psicología del Niño y del Adolescente, PS 2100 Psicología del Adulto y del Adulto Mayor, PS 1305 Fundamentos de Psicología Clínica, FM 1100 Interpretación de Información Estadística, PS 1010 Modelos y Métodos de Evaluación Psicológica, PS 1315 Teoría y Técnica de la Entrevista, PS 2000 Análisis de Datos en Investigación Psicológica, PS 2005 Enfoques y Métodos de Investigación en Psicología, PS 2320 Evaluación y Tratamiento de los Trastornos Relacionados a la Ansiedad, PS 2010 Psicología Ciencia de los Seres Vivos, PS 3300 Evaluación y Tratamiento de los Trastornos de la Personalidad, PS 3500 Técnicas Terapéuticas Cognitivo-Conductuales, PS 4320 Programa de Estancia Profesional en Psicología Clínica I, PS 3305 Evaluación y Tratamiento del Comportamiento Adictivo, PS 3505 Aplicaciones en Psicología Clínica (B2), PS 3510 La Organización Neurótica: Afecto, Representación y Transferencia, PS 3525 Evaluación Psicológica Cognitivo Conductual, PS 4325 Programa de Estancia Profesional de Psicología Clínica II, HU 1015 Contextos Internacionales Comparados, PS 3006 Seminario de Proyectos de Investigación Psicológica, PS 3315 Innovaciones Tecnológicas en Psicología Clínica, PS 3515 Estados Límite: Encuadre y Contratransferencia, PS 3530 Intervenciones Cognitivo Conductuales en Niños y Adolescentes, PS 4330 Programa de Estancia Profesional en Psicología Clínica III, PS 3520 La Organización Psicótica: Duelo y Relación Objetal, PS 3535 Intervenciones Cognitivo Conductuales en Adulto y Adulto Mayor, PS 4001 Programa de Evaluación Final de Psicología, Av. UNIVERSIDAD INTERNACIONAL DE LA RIOJA, S.A. (en adelante, “UNIR”), tratará los datos de carácter personal que usted ha proporcionado con la finalidad de atender a su solicitud de información, reclamación, duda o sugerencia que realice sobre los productos y/o servicios ofrecidos por UNIR, incluido por vía telefónica, así como para mantenerle informado de nuestra actividad. 8 For some examples of this ongoing work, refer to local organisations such as the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) (, currently under the Executive Directorship of Professor Cheryl Hendricks. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Consider, for example, the NAP’s articulation of its purpose, which is defined exclusively in relation to women: The NAP is but the beginning of a process ensuring women’s peace and security. Hecho en México, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), todos los derechos reservados 2019. Feminist CDA focuses on language, discourses, social institutions and power (Lazar 2007; Weedon 1987). Heredia, Costa Rica, Desde cualquier parte, tendrás acceso a las mejores herramientas digitales para que aprendás a tu ritmo y bajo tus reglas, Centro de San José, Avenida Central, calle 7 frente a Claro. Further to this, the construction of discrimination and homophobic violence is framed against the backdrop of “negative social norms and stereotypes”, which aptly attributes the difficulties experienced by many South African queer people to factors in the societal/normative realm. No es posible generar el Plan de Estudios. The security sector, with its long history of operating from male memory and of policing different racial, gendered and sexual identities in the service of colonialism and apartheid, was poised to turn inwards on itself and to engage with possibilities for its own transformation with respect to racism and sexism, in particular (see, e.g., Lamb 2018; Nkenkana 2015). Duración: 4 años Modalidad: Presencial o Combinada (podés elegir cursar online el primer y segundo año de la carrera). While WPS policies are widely deemed gender-responsive documents, they tend to operate through a particular discursive gender logic which, broadly speaking, sees gender as a descriptor of sex (Hudson 2017). La carrera de Psicología de Universidad Católica de Córdoba se puede cursar en Córdoba, Córdoba. U=��|�vۿ��8��|�!}����`���F��4�ثk��N�iβ�IS&�t��o.Λ�c��N�զ ����o/�[nr4�����v}>��ʼn۽�0�5Ŋ��b�$���H�|��9�K�vӎ���g_5��8�ar4�e-����t>�. Aprobado por el Consejo Acadmico en la Sesin del 31 de julio del 2009. At the level of identity, queer theory advocates for a radical re-imagining of gender as plural, fluid and ever-evolving, creating discursive possibilities for non-cisheteronormative identities to be visibilised more meaningfully in peacebuilding processes (Edenborg 2021). << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> NAPs that are conceptualised within and through a more critical gender perspective can amount to broader movements for addressing the gendered aspects of violence and peace, and have the potential to be fed back into and advance wider WPS frameworks. In these statements, there is an explicit challenging of traditional notions of security, in which the security needs of the state tend to assume priority over the needs of its citizenry, and through which security is often implemented by force (policing, militarisation, etc.). The discourse reveals how representation, while often a very necessary first step towards challenging inequalities, has not been sufficient in addressing the persistent gaps between policy and people’s everyday experiences of (in)security. By threading these queer and intersectional discourses throughout the text, the NAP centres an overt commitment to visibilising and engaging with the ways in which peacebuilding policy is itself political in design and possible effects. 4 0 obj //-->��K�����R���ypݿ�ڿ��m�!���y���x� I�(���iK���7כֿ�ߐt���o�׳{�K�x9s�ab�����O#����T�v^�1�h*����ѹ�֝��'����Ra�6`�*|{�^�UJp==/X����������a���߹���C�O�����^��������~�KK{��^��5��&��g���uY� �!�b��O�w_�`#0�� In the above definition, particular assumptions are at play as to notions of personhood, risk, and vulnerability. Los siguientes cuadros te ofrecen la estructura curricular del Área de Formación Profesional Terminal (8º semestre) del Plan de Estudios 2008 de la Licenciatura en Psicología, por semestre, clave de asignatura, nombre de la asignatura y liga al programa de la misma (pdf), número de créditos, tipo (teórica, práctica, teorico-práctica), área de conocimiento y línea terminal. Recopilación JR. 1- C uatro frascos de mermelada con 3 de cajeta hacen 24 litros; y 3 frascos de mermelada con 6 de. Against this backdrop, feminist critical discourse analysis (CDA) was applied to the NAP case study to surface dominant and counter-discourses on gender and their possible inclusionary/exclusionary effects. Representations of Women in Un Peacebuilding Discourse, Knowing Women, Peace and Security: New Issues and New Modes of Encounter, Trans-Bodies In/of War(s): Cisprivilege and Contemporary Security Strategy, Theorizing the EU’s International Promotion of LGBTI Rights Policies in the Global South, Explaining the Global Diffusion of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, ‘Unnatural’, ‘Un-African’ and ‘Ungodly’: Homophobic Discourse in Democratic South Africa. So too does this conflation sometimes exclude queer actors from taking up equal space and having equal rights to speak within the discourse. practica profesional supervisada i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii ps -201 (4) psicofisiologÍa i ps -301 (4) One lens through which to understand the text’s prominent focus on “women” is to read it against the backdrop of SA’s gendered and sexual history and the ways in which this has informed movements against patriarchal gendered power relations. %��������� This can perhaps be identified as another slippage of the discourse into one that conflates “gender” with “women” and thus neglects to prioritise the lived experiences of queer actors. (Burger 2020, 17). The contents of the NAP reflect a policymaking process that was intentionally participatory in design, and may thusly be read as a bricolage of different perspectives coming together in pursuit of some common ground as to how peacebuilding might be imagined in more radically-inclusive and equal terms.

Premios Summum 2022 Chifa, Perro Salchicha Gratis, Introducción A La Química Resumen, Camisa Casual Hombre Manga Larga, The Ordinary Peeling Solution Inkafarma, Fórmula índice De Rentabilidad Financiera, Cuanto Es El Sueldo En México En Dólares, Busco Trabajo De Niñera Cama Afuera, Valoramos A Las Personas Con Culturas Distintas Resueltas, Estándares De Educación Religiosa 2022, Manual Del Maestro Constructor Pdf Gratis, Tabla De Consumo De Agua Por Persona En México, La Mejor Universidad De Perú, Contaminación Del Suelo Ensayo,

plan de estudio de psicología

plan de estudio de psicología